Samstag, 30. Mai 2009

Why the law of attraction does sometimes NOT work,...

Well, actually it works all the time, the problem can only be, that we do not attract what we conciously want.

The universe always manifests what we feed with attention and energy. If your wish is to become rich and have a lot of unexpected income, but you experience dept all the time, you should look deeply how you are trying to maifest.

The most intense creational power comes from your feelings. If you feel strong and passionate about something, you put a lot of attention on the manifestation of getting more of this feeling.

So make sure to think about what you want!
You want money and not "no dept"

You want health and not "not fat anymore"

This is really important ! Focus on the things you want and sink so deep in that feeling, as if it is already yours. Feel gratitude and replace all negative thoughts with positive images!

If you do it that way, The universal law of attraction will work FOR you not against you!

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