Freitag, 25. Februar 2011

Why you can reach a goal easily without knowing how to get there

One little sentence here about the big picture of reaching goals.
Please do not expect to have the plan figured out to the end. That is not necessary, it is not even wanted here.
This urge to know about everything right until the end is something coming from the ego, and it does not serve you as it can be paralyzing, if you cannot see the way until the end very often.
you gotta trust to see the sign to get there.

You can travel from where ever you are to New York City without knowing which street exactly will bring you there, or which airplane will fly you there. You do not need to know or plan that.
All you need to know is that you want to be in New York and what you need to do next to get there. You only need to know that much.

As you took step one and you know your goal (which is New York) you just know that there will be a sign along your road that will point you in the right direction.
These sign are along each road and it doesn't matter if it is a real road or the one you have to travel in your head to arrive at your paradise.

If you know your destination and begin to act in its direction, signs, hints and all sorts of support will just be there along your way.
If you can travel that easy and with that little knowledge about your exact way to New York, well dear friend – then you can also create your own personal paradise and a business that supports you and your lifestyle of freedom.

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