Dienstag, 22. September 2009

How to avoid the biggest mistakes going on a raw food diet

We know this is almost a taboo topic in the Rawfood world. Rawfood is the best, do not question it!

But we bring it up anyway, because we experienced some trouble ourself and saw a lot of Raw fooders and raw children having problems.

We are the world-travelling Rawfoodfamily and do a 100% Raw diet for more than 4 years now. For a long time our son suffered chronical disease, and we could heal this with Rawfood within a week, and felt so much better with this diet, but after a year on Rawfood, we felt stuck.

We have gained a lot of knowledge over the years, and do constantly question, change and improve our diet.

We could not believe it, but we experienced some serious problems with our own children, after this first year of our Rawfood Journey. We have also met many Rawfood children around the world and noticed the same problems with almost all of them.

These problems do not occur instantly when going raw. Most families - like us - experience a significant increase of health and energy when going raw. When you start leaving out cooked food like, white sugar, white flour, pasteurised cows milk just to name the most important, almost everybody will experience such an increase of energy (sometimes after a process of detoxification)

At this first point of change, it is not so much about what raw food you eat, it is more about what you leave out of your diet. This brings the healing and detoxification.It is just getting interesting after you did live raw, or mostly raw lets say for a year. Than, after your body and system had time to clear, it comes to the next level.

And here the new problem can arise, especially with children, how desperatly need the best nutrtion possible in order to grow properly .

If you are not aware of what you are doing, you are walking on dangerous ground!

These problems are:

* Weakness, tiredness
* They are too small for their age
* They do not grow properly
* Teeth problems
* Ignoring the problems by their parents
* Emotional imbalance
* Lack of minerals
* Bloating
* Lack of vitamin B 12

This all sounds serious, and it is, if you ignore it. But if you can see your child having any of these problems, do not be scared! Everything is reversible.

We have also experienced it with our children, and are so healthy and happy now, because we discovered some easy principles, we want to share with you.

Rawfood is still the best food you can eat, also with your children.

Make sure you eat a balanced diet. That means fully ripe tropical fruit, fat and LOADS of green. People tend to eat to much fruit and less green. This is not optimal.

Try to get superdfoods like hemp, Gojis, Maca, Coconut, little cacao,..

Be as much as possible outside in naturte, and do sport.By following these simple steps, you can avoid major problems and experience vibrant health!

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