Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009

Self-limitation #1 Life secrets with Ka Sundance

I am so excited! And I am so greatful that all of you have just signed up for this so quick. Thank you a lot!

But I am very sure, that you will not regret it.
I was really thinking carefully, what I should talk about in the first show, and my mind came back to one of the most important points I work with myself and the people I coach:

This is one of the main issues, that will let us fail and self sabotage all our goals.
I will talk about this phenomenon and try to give you some ideas, how you can overcome this restricting beliefs.

Because the truth is: There is no limit! You set up the limits yourself

I hope you can gain something from this show, and ramain with all my love

Ka Sundance

watch the show by clicking here

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