Why we live in beautiful times but everybody is unhappy.
It is so interesting. The progress we as human race have made in the last 100 years has been faster than in 1000 years before that. We have invented electricity, cars, airplanes, the telephone, the internet and raw chocolate in this time.
And even more important than the technical achievements: The civil rights movement, condemning child labour and the empowerment of women to be equal to men is something that is so normal to us, yet it is new if you compare it to the length of our evolution.
Things we haven't even dare to dreame of before are possible now.
I remember that there used to be only THE phone in our house. Not my phone or her phone, but THE phone. And you had to turn the dial.
If the person you wanted to call did not answer, the phone just kept ringing without any machine answering it.
Writing letters with a pen was normal, and we in Germany had only 3 TV-channels up until I was 18 years of age! One of the 3 stations was only broadcasting a couple of hours each day, and the other ones stopped broadcasting during night time.
I could go on forever and just hesitate for brief moments of total amazement to see where we are at right now.
We are honored to be part of maybe the biggest dream of humans - which is flying. But we sit on chairs which fly through the air at a speed of 550mph, complaining that the wireless internet is not working and that the chair is not going all the way back.
We think it is redicolous if OUR cell phone has no reception to the net for some minutes, and we do not make dates for the weekend in advance anymore, because communication as become so fast (I guess too fast sometimes) that we text or phone in the last moment always on the run not to miss anything which is not important to our deeper self anyway.
It is so interesting to see how we take things we didn't even know a second before for totally granted in an instant later and get really frustrated if it does not work the way we expect them to.
Why is that so??
Why are we so concentrated and focused to feed parts of ourself with all this distraction, these things we sometimes do not even like to be surrounded by?
I believe that it has to do with our inside.
Most people live a life of managing their misery, dealing with their suffering, feeling powerless and without orientation, just moving through life half asleep with the feeling that something is wrong.
They might even know what steps they could take to change that feeling and add more meaning to their life, but they do not do it because it would mean to have to do some uncomfortable decisions.
It means to change and let go things which have not served us very well. Heeeeeeeeeelp!!
Better stay in unhappy security than moving towards positive expecting uncertainty.
So if you can relate to that, all the beautiful and comfortable achievements mean nothing to you as they can't fill the hole in your soul.
Most people will still try to find satisfaction in cheap pleasure in the outer world, but the sooner you realize that they will not find what they are looking for when they go outwards.
As you have subscribed to this newsletter, I believe that you are different.
The sooner you can heal and evolve from the mass of people which is only managing misery, to start to manifest magnificence - to simply start to LIVE, the faster you feel better and better
The true change comes, if you find meaning and significance in your life.
One of the biggest human needs is to live a life that matters.
Where do you find meaning in your life??
You can find it in little things, or fill your life with it, until there is no room for anything else.
Either way - you need to add meaning to whatever you do.
In the ideal world you would have a successful job or a business that means everything to you, meaningful relationships and a level of super-health.
I deeply truly believe that this is not only possible, but that we are meant to experience not an inch less than that, but even MORE!!!
Me and my family are a living proof of that, coming out of poverty and jobs we did not like at all, all the way to our palm-tree-life of abundance and freedom in tropical paradise doing what we love to do, helping others to manifest the same lifestyle.
If we can do it with 4 kids, no money and rich parents, so can you.
It all start with a choice and then the persistent action
We would love to show you as well how to add more meaning to your life and business, and if you are lucky you can win the very last seat in our program which is called "success with significance 20011"
To know more about this offer and to sign up to win it and 700U$ worth of coaching for free please go to http://www.kasundance.com/business-coaching-program-2011.php
In any way be assured that we love and support you on your individual way.
Stand up and go for your dreams. Life is too short and beautiful to make foul compromises that catch up with you down the road.
Now is the time! Just do it!
© 2011 by Ka Sundance - The Lifestyle Business Coach
You can use this article as long as you keep the entire article intact and add the following blurb at the end of it.
Written by Ka Sundance, author, youtuber, entrepreneur and Lifestyle Business Coach for people who want to stop managing life and start living. Visit him at his website at www.KaSundance.com or contact him at Ka@KaSundance.com
Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011
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