Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010

Some news about me and my family you have to know,...

Here I am with lots of exciting news and changes that happened during the last weeks. First of all I want to say "sorry" for not getting back to you earlier. It has been almost 4 weeks since I wrote to you the last time. But after some intense time of waiting finally my 3rd son Joa was born at the 15th of July here at our house in Costa Rica.

We had the pleasure of doing an unattended home-birth, which was not unattended at all, because Ronja my baby daughter was holding hand with Katie, I was catching Joa when he slipped out, and lots of good energies was surrounding me and my family.

We are so happy! And we feel so empowered that at we could do this all by ourself. I am so proud of Katie, that she was so confident in doing this ("alone") with us. She is such a beautiful and strong goddess! She is my hero!

But there was even more happening in this month. Germany reached the Half-final at the football world championship (LOL), I celebrated my birthday 2 days ago, and most important, and that has also to do with the topic of this e-mail, I stepped more into my power.
I took responsibility.
After years of growths and overcoming problmes and limitations I finally can present to you a program designed only to show you ka, how you can follow your passion and create abundance while you help and inspire other people.

You can have a look at this program at
You can join this life transforming program until Friday midnight EST (31st of July). After this date the price will rise 500U$. So have a look now at

I also want to give you a new version of my special report called "How to live your life purpose". It is attached to this e-mail.
And I have something special for all of you who want to have a life transforming coaching session with me. I am offering 20 people the chance to get a free 20 minute coaching session with me about how to access your life purpose and make it the center of your life.
But you need to sign up fast, as I can handle not more than 20 people. Please sign up here at

But now I want to present you the article of the week and remain with love and sunshine .
Your Ka Sundance

Montag, 26. Juli 2010

24th of July 2010 - My birthday, my message to YOU

Here I am, one year older. I just became father once more not even 10 days ago, and my life is at a changing point right now.

After 35 years I have the feeling of stepping right into my power and be the man I am supposed to be.

Here you can see what I have created that allows you also to step in your power!

I want to show you how you can create a living with your passion.

Visit me here to learn how you can do that!

I am so grateful to have been able to accomplish that.

You can access my birthday message at

Lots of love!
Ka Sundance

Freitag, 2. Juli 2010

Health and passion

Vibrant health has a lot to do with what you eat. Therefore your diet is very important. Lots of living food will help your body detox easily and create new and healthy cells.
But there is much more to this than meets the eye.
I have discovered that it is even more important what you think and feel about your diet, that makes the difference.
There are people I have met who don't care much about what they eat and still enjoy a healthy high energy level.
I have also met a lot of raw fooders or people on a high raw diet, and they were struggling and unhappy.
That made me think about things.
The way I see it right now, there needs to be balance in our lives. We will not find true health by only concentrating on our diet, always contemplating what's right and what's wrong.
No. We need to harmonize all the different areas of our life to experience true health and happiness!
If you want to experience this kind of health, you need to follow your passion.
Your passion will lead the way. The way to excitement and bliss.
We tend to think too small and narrow-mindedly, which prevents us from ever thinking about our dreams.
We need to connect with our dreams. We need to live with them and expand our beings into them.
Only when we connect with this part of ourselves (which is the REAL YOU) will we find true happiness and health.
The truth is: no matter which religion you practice, if you believe in fate or not, we are all gods and goddesses.
We are the true masters of our life. We decide on and are responsible for the situation we are in right now.
If we could all understand the power and the truth of this statement, our lives would be completely different.
We are gods and goddesses. We are the true creators of our lives, our choice of profession and our health and wealth.
We can change anything we want.
If we follow this road of bliss and excitement, and step into our own power, health AND wealth will increase as a by-product. We will lose the need to bury our feelings with unhealthy food, because we will feel good!
We only need to follow our passion. We need to center our lives around our passion and let go of the things that make us unhappy and powerless.
In the near future I want to help you find out ways you can do that!
There will be no more need for consciously toxifying oneself. No need to keep oneself down in fearful thinking and poverty.
Life is full of abundance and health. It is our own responsibility to make it happen.
This is why I want to expand my message beyond the raw food lifestyle.
I'm talking about a new focus, a new vantage point on life itself.
Now it is up to you.
All I can say is: Follow your passion. It will lead you to the right place. To more health, wealth and happiness!

Co 2010 by Ka Sundance your RawInspiration
You can use this article as long as you keep the entire article intact and add the following blurb at the end of it.
Written by Ka Sundance, author, publisher, entrepreneur and coach for people who want to improve their life. Visit him at his website at or contact him at