Sonntag, 27. Juni 2010

Health AND Wealth living your Life purpose

I want to share a very special video I created. It is some food for thought.
It is about joing the two most important things in life: Health and Wealth by living your true life purpose
You can watch it at

You can also download your FREE Special Report on "How to live your Life Purpose!" now!
When you visit me there.
Get immediate access to this life transforming information.

Freitag, 4. Juni 2010

Become better, become who you are

This is what for me the raw food diet is all about. This is the statement which is behind all that.
It is the manifestation of becoming better. In order to manifest shining, vibrant health, we need to make healthy choices all along the way. It is as simple as that. We need to make more and more healthy choices and try to avoid choices and food that make us feel bad.
And this is very individual. What might be good for me, can as well be very bad for you.
This is also the reason, why the raw food diet is just one way, one possible choice towards more health and light.
The good news is: You do not need anyone, to tell you about the right choices. We all have a very, very clear feeling what feels right, and what feels wrong. We have this build-in-guidance-system.

The more interesting part is: Why do we not always DO what feels right? Why do we eat bad? Why do we create suffering? Why do we choose to feel bad?
Understanding this will help you to do more of the good stuff. This is where I can offer you help as a professional coach.
But even if you do not understand it fully, there is still always the choice. Every day. All the time. Right now.
Do you want to feel good, or bad right now? Well, then just go for it and feel good!
Eat good!
The next good news is: We do not have to do, or achieve anything. The nature of life itself is, that it is evolving, learning,.... and getting better.
Scientist might call it evolution, but on a spiritual and individual level it is about becoming better.
And you become better by nature. There is no pressure, and nothing you have to do to achieve that.
What a relief.
The only thing you can chose here is: Do you want to feel, to be better now, or do you want to wait?
Well again, this is a question you can ask yourself every day, several times. Even if you chose to make a bad choice one day, you wake up tomorrow, and are free to start all over again.
So if you failed to eat as healthy as you want to today, then don't worry. Enjoy and embrace your decision for today. Understand it, appreciate it, and enjoy with your full heart the food you desire and eat today. There is nothing wrong about this feeling this food, if you not choose to feel wrong and bad. It is just food, just a feeling.

You can wake up tomorrow and be a new person, a healthier person tomorrow. It is all up to you.

The more and deeper you embrace and understand the “bad”decisions you made, and will make, the easier it will be for you to do the right ones.

And when you realize this, when you realize that it is OK to choose a bad feeling, a bad food, you will become whole.
You will become who you really are.
Because in fact there is nothing bad with feeling bad. It is just a feeling.
It is the resistance against this feeling we have, which causes the problem. We are trying to avoid everything what we label “bad” and therefor create it over and over again. It is so charged with energy, with emotion, it is so big, such an issue, that we do everything to avoid really being in there. Feeling it.
This is why we are around it, and can't escape it. Over and over again.
It is too big, too charged not to see it, not to around the thing we are trying to avoid, not to see so badly.
We sourround this “bad” feeling, or food and create situations, which always bring us back to it. There is so much energy focused on it.
But again: You have the choice.
If you choose to go IN there, not only around it, if you enjoy your “bad” feeling or food with all your love and joy, this is where change happens.

All this negative energy we created around the feeling, round the food, is disappearing once we really go in there, and feel the feeling, not only the bad, charged stuff around it!
You realize that all these big, huge walls around the feeling, the food are just your creation. They are only as real and as huge as you think they are.

When you can manage this, you became better. You became who you are.

Co 2010 by Ka Sundance your coach
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Written by Ka Sundance, author, publisher, entrepreneur and coach for people who want to improve their lifes. Visit him at his website at or conatct him at