Montag, 17. Mai 2010

Life is what you make of it!

I am just always amazed when I talk to people. There are so many different types.

We are all so unique. Some people are so crystal clear on what their dream looks like, and what they want to achieve. Some have more vague feelings, and some have even no idea about what they could dream of. There are people who do not even allow themselves to dream.

They have a strong block, like a curtain, which prevents them from going a place near that feeling. And in the end it is all about the feeling. Because if you go to a place where you feel good, feel excited you will come pretty close to your life purpose and your dream. So what makes you feel good?

What do you like to do? Another good way of entering this space is to look at your childhood. What did you like, when you were a child? What was getting you excited?

What did you dream of. A lot of people run a round through their adult life complaining and being unhappy because of unfullfilled childhood dreams. Dont be one of them! Just get in touch with it, and feel yourself into this.

Once the excitement is there, and you are inside your dream, the solutions and the opportunities will follow. You will find a way to experience in the real world what you dream about, because you are already there with your feeling. Life is good, Life is what you make out of it!

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Montag, 10. Mai 2010

Get a food neurosis with the raw food diet?

Here is why some people on thne raw food diet get eating disorders, and do not thrive at all.

This is very serious stuff, and I am aware that many people in the raw food movemnet will not agree to my point here.

But I need to talk about it anyway. This is so important, because in my experience the biggest problems circling around food is not the food, but the guilt, anger and hate that is charged around it.

Preaching a pure 100% raw food diet, does only support these feeling forn the majority of the the peopl out there. You are good the way you are!

Enjoy and relax!
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