Become better. Become who you are.
This is what for me the raw food diet is all about. This is the statement which is behind all that.
It is the manifestation of becoming better. In order to manifest shining, vibrant health, we need to make healthy choices all along the way. It is as simple as that. We need to make more and more healthy choices and try to avoid choices and food that make us feel bad.
And this is very individual. What might be good for me, can as well be very bad for you.
This is also the reason, why the raw food diet is just one way, one possible choice towards more health and light.
The good news is: You do not need anyone, to tell you about the right choices. We all have a very, very clear feeling what feels right, and what feels wrong. We have this build-in-guidance-system.
The more interesting part is: Why do we not always DO what feels right? Why do we eat bad? Why do we create suffering? Why do we choose to feel bad?
Understanding this will help you to do more of the good stuff. This is where I can offer you help as a professional coach.
But even if you do not understand it fully, there is still always the choice. Every day. All the time. Right now.
Do you want to feel good, or bad right now? Well, then just go for it and feel good!
Eat good!
The next good news is: We do not have to do, or achieve anything. The nature of life itself is, that it is evolving, learning,.... and getting better.
Scientist might call it evolution, but on a spiritual and individual level it is about becoming better.
And you become better by nature. There is no pressure, and nothing you have to do to achieve that.
What a relief.
The only thing you can chose here is: Do you want to feel, to be better now, or do you want to wait?
Well again, this is a question you can ask yourself every day, several times. Even if you chose to make a bad choice one day, you wake up tomorrow, and are free to start all over again.
So if you failed to eat as healthy as you want to today, then don't worry. Enjoy and embrace your decision for today. Understand it, appreciate it, and enjoy with your full heart the food you desire and eat today. There is nothing wrong about this feeling this food, if you not choose to feel wrong and bad. It is just food, just a feeling.
You can wake up tomorrow and be a new person, a healthier person tomorrow. It is all up to you.
The more and deeper you embrace and understand the “bad”decisions you made, and will make, the easier it will be for you to do the right ones.
And when you realize this, when you realize that it is OK to choose a bad feeling, a bad food, you will become whole.
You will become who you really are.
Because in fact there is nothing bad with feeling bad. It is just a feeling.
It is the resistance against this feeling we have, which causes the problem. We are trying to avoid everything what we label “bad” and therefor create it over and over again. It is so charged with energy, with emotion, it is so big, such an issue, that we do everything to avoid really being in there. Feeling it.
This is why we are around it, and can't escape it. Over and over again.
It is too big, too charged not to see it, not to around the thing we are trying to avoid, not to see so badly.
We sourround this “bad” feeling, or food and create situations, which always bring us back to it. There is so much energy focused on it.
But again: You have the choice.
If you choose to go IN there, not only around it, if you enjoy your “bad” feeling or food with all your love and joy, this is where change happens.
All this negative energy we created around the feeling, round the food, is disappearing once we really go in there, and feel the feeling, not only the bad, charged stuff around it!
You realize that all these big, huge walls around the feeling, the food are just your creation. They are only as real and as huge as you think they are.
When you can manage this, you became better. You became who you are.
Co 2010 by Ka Sundance your Rawfoodcoach
You can use this article as long as you keep the entire article intact and add the following blurb at the end of it.
Written by Ka Sundance, author, publisher, entrepreneur and coach for people who want to improve their lifes. Visit him at his website at or conatct him at
Samstag, 27. Februar 2010
Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2010
The importance of knowing raw food gourmet recipes
Many of us have experienced this.
We are dedicated to a new diet, we are passionate and willing to make the change.
We are starting with lots of energy and a good feeling. And just after a couple of days, this energy seems to be gone, and left us alone with our old habits, and cravings. This is the point where most of us become weak and turn around, going back in the land of our well known unhealthy strategies, we were trying to flee of.
This does not have to be the case for you!
I want to share two tricks here, how you can manage to manifest lasting change.
The first one is: Preparation!
You need to organise yourself. You need to get information about the place where you want to go. You need to find out how passionate you really are about the change. And you need a system, that will help you to give stability.
The second one:
You need raw food gourmet recipes!
This is so important.The raw food recipes will give you the exitement and frshness you need if you want to change.
Most people turn away from this diet, because they get bored and want their old dishes, they were eating for years.
The solution is so easy.
Create these dishes as a raw food gourmet meal. You can create evey single dish you can possibly think of as a raw food gourmet dish.
And this is what you need to do. Before you start.
Have all ingredients at hand, all the tools and you are set up for success.
Both bullet points I was mentioning in this article, are given to you in detail in my new book called 5 Steps of Raw Success.
Find a complete, easy to follow system, raw food gourmet recipes, and so much more within this great resource.
You can have a look at it and download it at
Love and light
Ka Sundance
We are dedicated to a new diet, we are passionate and willing to make the change.
We are starting with lots of energy and a good feeling. And just after a couple of days, this energy seems to be gone, and left us alone with our old habits, and cravings. This is the point where most of us become weak and turn around, going back in the land of our well known unhealthy strategies, we were trying to flee of.
This does not have to be the case for you!
I want to share two tricks here, how you can manage to manifest lasting change.
The first one is: Preparation!
You need to organise yourself. You need to get information about the place where you want to go. You need to find out how passionate you really are about the change. And you need a system, that will help you to give stability.
The second one:
You need raw food gourmet recipes!
This is so important.The raw food recipes will give you the exitement and frshness you need if you want to change.
Most people turn away from this diet, because they get bored and want their old dishes, they were eating for years.
The solution is so easy.
Create these dishes as a raw food gourmet meal. You can create evey single dish you can possibly think of as a raw food gourmet dish.
And this is what you need to do. Before you start.
Have all ingredients at hand, all the tools and you are set up for success.
Both bullet points I was mentioning in this article, are given to you in detail in my new book called 5 Steps of Raw Success.
Find a complete, easy to follow system, raw food gourmet recipes, and so much more within this great resource.
You can have a look at it and download it at
Love and light
Ka Sundance
Montag, 1. Februar 2010
How to detox
How to detox!
By Ka Sundance
In our modern world, filled with industry, traffic jams, big cities and agricultural pesticide, we are surrounded by toxins. There are all sorts of chemical substances in our food, water and air, depending on where we live, how we live and what we eat.
The good news is though, that our bodies can handle these toxins. Our bodies are designed to take care of all sorts of toxins and extract them.
Our job is only not to interfere this process our system takes care of.
If you are on a Rawfood diet, you do the best to support your body in detoxification. This light, high vibrating food is giving us all the nutrients we need, to nourish our system in the best way, and not to burden it with unnecessary substances. The body needs enormous energy, life force and nutrients, to deal with processed food, and this is why people feel exhausted, and become ill so easy. On top of all the toxins we are in contact with anyway in our environment, the body now has to deal with the substances we are not designed to have in our system.
That can sum up over a lifetime, and end in a collapse, or terrible diseases we see so often in older people. On top of the substances we are not used to have inside us, we also KNOW that we are not doing the best for us. And this makes it of course much worse, because a new level has come into play. It is now not only on a physiological level bad for us, but also on a psychological level. This is where cancer comes from for example.
So if you are aware of the toxins around you, and you want to be really healthy, GO RAW!
Raw food can reverse all toxic manifestations we have in our bodies, and than start to clean out on a deep level, once you have reached a neutral, magical point.
Before I start I would like to loose a word about some of the symptoms you might experience when detoxing. If you start to improve your diet, from which ever level of eating you come from, it might be that you feel headache, body pain, fatigue or even become ill reaching your next level of healing. This is where some people go back to old habits.
Don`t do it! The night is always the darkest before dawn. Your whole system is overwhelmed by your improved diet, and instantly is adjusting to it, extracting the toxins stored in your cells, that were in perfect harmony with your unhealthy surrounding, but now you have changed.
You have improved and found better ways, and your body wants to harmonize with this new vibration. Give him some time to adjust, be gentle and patient and you will feel so much better.
To support your body in this process, there are some things you can do in addition.
These additional procedures, I would like to write here about.
First of all:
Make fresh green juices! Juices have healing power! You extract the most important parts of the plants and have a really dense and concentrated fluid, with the best quality water possible, filled with vitamins and minerals.
Especially green veggie juices provide a wide spectrum of these important minerals and vitamins. Your body can absorb these nutrients very easy and with less effort, and can dispose over these almost instantly, once they are in the body. All these components coming together, really helps your body to detox on a deep level that is not so interfering your system.
If you have the feeling that you digestion is not working efficient, or you experience problems digesting food; think of having some sessions of hydro colonic irrigation. There are professionals, who will offer you a series of irrigation for a good price. They will bring in warm and cold water in your intestinal and massage your stomach from outside to extract old concretion that has been in your gut for many years. This technique allows to get rid of these toxic rubbish that is inside you on a mechanical level, but it also starts to have influence on your feeling and spirit, once you start to let go of this. Some of the concretion has been stored in your guts since you were a child, and it is unbelievable how much rubbish our gut can store, and still does all the essential work for our digestion!
There can be KILOS of this stuff inside you.
If you go raw, the body starts to take care of these sediments by itself, but a hydro colonic can really speed this up and help you with detoxification. Just bear in mind that this is a really rough treatment for your guts, and the flora of your gut is destroyed if you do so. It takes weeks, if not months to build up a new healthy flora with all the important bacterias you need to have a good digestion.
Nevertheless, I recommend this procedure for people who have digestion problems, and want to take care of it fast and on a profound level! It works!
Fasting. This is a thing that needs some strength and will from you, but it is very effective. There are two ways I would like to talk about here.
1.Water fasting.
That means, you stop eating and drink loads of water. Your body starts to detox almost instantly, after it does not need to provide energy for digestion. This form of fasting though is so intense, that you might experience symptoms like headache, fatigue and body pain. Your body is flushed with the toxins in the cells, that come out in your bloodstream so fast.
This is nothing to be afraid of, it is good, because you let go of it, but you need to be aware of, that these symptoms can happen to you, if you choose to go this path.
Make sure you drink lots of water, to help your kidneys extracting these toxins as fast as possible. This form of fasting is intense, but very effective.
2. Juice fasting
This form of fasting is the one I would like to recommend here even more than water fasting, because I feel that it is easier for the body, as well as the emotions coming up doing it. You just have fresh made veggie and fruit juices during the day. Best if you drink 3-4 Liter of juice a day.
This gives you all the nutrients you need for good extraction of the toxins, yet you won`t necessarily feel the detox symptoms so strong. This is the ultimate healing and detox system!
Once you have overcome the desire to eat - which only takes some few days - you can go on with this fast for weeks, and feel so good, repair your body on such a deep level, that it is almost magic!
This is the healing of the future!
And last but not least - and here I make the loop back to the very beginning of this e-mail: SWEAT!
Do sport, exercise and go to the sauna. Even better: participate at a sweat lodge ceremony. Sweating makes things hum!
Your metabolism is kick-starting and you become light, soft and open by doing so.
Make cold-warm showers to animate your perfusion and go outside in nature, after you have done so. Have fun, make jokes, laugh out loud and avoid news, television and things that create fear, confusion and anger.
Spend some time with yourself doing what you love to do. Allow your self to relax and sleep enough.
If you follow just some of these tips, you will have a much more easy time detoxing and reaching your personal next level of health.
I wish you all the best on this path, and send you all my love support and gratitude for choosing it!
You can also watch an interesting interview I just made with Norman, the founder of a great detox and healing center in Thailand. Access the show at
(Co) 2009 by Ka Sundance your raw food coach
You can use this article and post it where you like as long, as you keep the entire article intact and use this template at the end of the article:
Written by Ka Sundance author, publisher, TV- host and coach for people who want to improve their lifes. Visit his website at
or mail him at
By Ka Sundance
In our modern world, filled with industry, traffic jams, big cities and agricultural pesticide, we are surrounded by toxins. There are all sorts of chemical substances in our food, water and air, depending on where we live, how we live and what we eat.
The good news is though, that our bodies can handle these toxins. Our bodies are designed to take care of all sorts of toxins and extract them.
Our job is only not to interfere this process our system takes care of.
If you are on a Rawfood diet, you do the best to support your body in detoxification. This light, high vibrating food is giving us all the nutrients we need, to nourish our system in the best way, and not to burden it with unnecessary substances. The body needs enormous energy, life force and nutrients, to deal with processed food, and this is why people feel exhausted, and become ill so easy. On top of all the toxins we are in contact with anyway in our environment, the body now has to deal with the substances we are not designed to have in our system.
That can sum up over a lifetime, and end in a collapse, or terrible diseases we see so often in older people. On top of the substances we are not used to have inside us, we also KNOW that we are not doing the best for us. And this makes it of course much worse, because a new level has come into play. It is now not only on a physiological level bad for us, but also on a psychological level. This is where cancer comes from for example.
So if you are aware of the toxins around you, and you want to be really healthy, GO RAW!
Raw food can reverse all toxic manifestations we have in our bodies, and than start to clean out on a deep level, once you have reached a neutral, magical point.
Before I start I would like to loose a word about some of the symptoms you might experience when detoxing. If you start to improve your diet, from which ever level of eating you come from, it might be that you feel headache, body pain, fatigue or even become ill reaching your next level of healing. This is where some people go back to old habits.
Don`t do it! The night is always the darkest before dawn. Your whole system is overwhelmed by your improved diet, and instantly is adjusting to it, extracting the toxins stored in your cells, that were in perfect harmony with your unhealthy surrounding, but now you have changed.
You have improved and found better ways, and your body wants to harmonize with this new vibration. Give him some time to adjust, be gentle and patient and you will feel so much better.
To support your body in this process, there are some things you can do in addition.
These additional procedures, I would like to write here about.
First of all:
Make fresh green juices! Juices have healing power! You extract the most important parts of the plants and have a really dense and concentrated fluid, with the best quality water possible, filled with vitamins and minerals.
Especially green veggie juices provide a wide spectrum of these important minerals and vitamins. Your body can absorb these nutrients very easy and with less effort, and can dispose over these almost instantly, once they are in the body. All these components coming together, really helps your body to detox on a deep level that is not so interfering your system.
If you have the feeling that you digestion is not working efficient, or you experience problems digesting food; think of having some sessions of hydro colonic irrigation. There are professionals, who will offer you a series of irrigation for a good price. They will bring in warm and cold water in your intestinal and massage your stomach from outside to extract old concretion that has been in your gut for many years. This technique allows to get rid of these toxic rubbish that is inside you on a mechanical level, but it also starts to have influence on your feeling and spirit, once you start to let go of this. Some of the concretion has been stored in your guts since you were a child, and it is unbelievable how much rubbish our gut can store, and still does all the essential work for our digestion!
There can be KILOS of this stuff inside you.
If you go raw, the body starts to take care of these sediments by itself, but a hydro colonic can really speed this up and help you with detoxification. Just bear in mind that this is a really rough treatment for your guts, and the flora of your gut is destroyed if you do so. It takes weeks, if not months to build up a new healthy flora with all the important bacterias you need to have a good digestion.
Nevertheless, I recommend this procedure for people who have digestion problems, and want to take care of it fast and on a profound level! It works!
Fasting. This is a thing that needs some strength and will from you, but it is very effective. There are two ways I would like to talk about here.
1.Water fasting.
That means, you stop eating and drink loads of water. Your body starts to detox almost instantly, after it does not need to provide energy for digestion. This form of fasting though is so intense, that you might experience symptoms like headache, fatigue and body pain. Your body is flushed with the toxins in the cells, that come out in your bloodstream so fast.
This is nothing to be afraid of, it is good, because you let go of it, but you need to be aware of, that these symptoms can happen to you, if you choose to go this path.
Make sure you drink lots of water, to help your kidneys extracting these toxins as fast as possible. This form of fasting is intense, but very effective.
2. Juice fasting
This form of fasting is the one I would like to recommend here even more than water fasting, because I feel that it is easier for the body, as well as the emotions coming up doing it. You just have fresh made veggie and fruit juices during the day. Best if you drink 3-4 Liter of juice a day.
This gives you all the nutrients you need for good extraction of the toxins, yet you won`t necessarily feel the detox symptoms so strong. This is the ultimate healing and detox system!
Once you have overcome the desire to eat - which only takes some few days - you can go on with this fast for weeks, and feel so good, repair your body on such a deep level, that it is almost magic!
This is the healing of the future!
And last but not least - and here I make the loop back to the very beginning of this e-mail: SWEAT!
Do sport, exercise and go to the sauna. Even better: participate at a sweat lodge ceremony. Sweating makes things hum!
Your metabolism is kick-starting and you become light, soft and open by doing so.
Make cold-warm showers to animate your perfusion and go outside in nature, after you have done so. Have fun, make jokes, laugh out loud and avoid news, television and things that create fear, confusion and anger.
Spend some time with yourself doing what you love to do. Allow your self to relax and sleep enough.
If you follow just some of these tips, you will have a much more easy time detoxing and reaching your personal next level of health.
I wish you all the best on this path, and send you all my love support and gratitude for choosing it!
You can also watch an interesting interview I just made with Norman, the founder of a great detox and healing center in Thailand. Access the show at
(Co) 2009 by Ka Sundance your raw food coach
You can use this article and post it where you like as long, as you keep the entire article intact and use this template at the end of the article:
Written by Ka Sundance author, publisher, TV- host and coach for people who want to improve their lifes. Visit his website at
or mail him at
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