Samstag, 23. Januar 2010

The most important raw superfood in the world

Wild foods - the true food of the future for human mankind

This article reveals some secrets most people are not aware of, yet it is so important to really succeed on your personal raw food way towards health. Many people think that when they are going raw it is just about eating fruits and veggies.

Actually there is much more behind this!

Most of the fruits and veggies you buy in the store are hybrids. That means, that they are domesticated by man and changed for bigger size, more sugar and less seeds. Most of these fruits and veggies are totally dependant on us, and wouldn`t survive in nature. They have lost the ability to reproduce themselves in the wilderness. Along with this comes a loss of nutrients, living enzymes and most important: life force!

Compared to normal “cooked” food, they are still loaded with energy, but we are looking for the best food possible, aren't we!?

So most of the raw food products you can buy in your super market are denaturalised and not as “alive” as the addition I am talking about here.

It is not only about raw food, it is about finding the most nutrient rich, dense food, to give our body all what it needs, and at the same point of time burden it with the smallest amount of waste, to make the whole process of digestion very efficient, and have the most energy available.

It is about wild food.
I consider wild food the kind of foods that have not been domesticated from man, and are still in the form they have been around on this planet for 100.000 years or much longer. These are the kind of foods we are looking for, and we need to add to our diet.

What are these wild foods? Actually there are several, and I want to reveal the secret here.
First of all it comes down to something which is our mantra anyway. The wild edibles. You can see wild edibles in the most poisonous and denaturalised surroundings as well as in desert or arctic like nature. In almost all parts of the world man is using chemicals and pesticides to kill this precious food – with little effect!

Wild edibles have grown all over the planet for millions of years, and they will still do so when there is no human left. This form of living is so rich in nutrients and life force, that you have to accept the importance for us! This is the food of the past, and more important the food of the future! 95% of all green on the planet is eatable, and more than 70% of the remaining 5% is tasting so awful, that you are not able to swallow it!
So get a book on wild edibles, join a course wherever you are in the world and learn about the magical, abundance food that will give you health and will give you total independence from food companies and government!

Most superfoods are wild foods. Food like maca, coconut, goji berries, honey, bee pollen just to name some of them, are true wild foods, that have been around on earth for a long, long time and not been changed by us. Superfoods also provide this wide spectrum of nutrients and life force, that enables us to live our life up to the max, and feel nourished on a deep level.

Last but not least I want to mention the old, tropical fruits here, many western people may not have heard of. These tropical fruits like durian, jackfruit, sapotes,... are the true tropical gold. They really carry the warmth and energy of the tropical sun, right down to your kitchen, all along with a dense, nutrient packed composition of taste. The reason why they are not known here in the west, and also the reason why they are so good, is that they need to stay on the trees until they are ripe.

Most tropical fruits you know (like bananas, pineapple or mangoes) are picked green and ripe in the boxes on a ship or the depot of a supermarket. Although even these fruits tastes sooo much better (and have much more nutrients), when they have the chance to stay on the tree they have been born on, as long as possible!

If you want to solve the secret of total health with the raw food diet make sure, that you add these three components to your diet.

Wild edibles (best to juice them if you start), superfoods, and old tropical fruits!

This is true magic.
This is a true secret that can change the health of the world!!

More at

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010

One of the most important superfoods - The Coconut

Here is an interesting article I just came across, which is giving detailed information about one of the most important superfoods on earth: The coconut!!

Cocos nucifera
By Karen Smith
Cocos nucifera is the scientific name of the common coconut. This very tall palm tree is always an inviting symbol of the tropics. The plant is one of the most valuable plants to man. It is a primary source of food, drink, and shelter. In Sanskrit the coconut palm is called "kalpa vriksha", which is defined as "the tree which provides all the necessities of life."
Man can use every part of the coconut.

The white nut-meat can be eaten raw or shredded and dried and used in most cooking recipes. A single coconut has as much protein as a quarter pound of beefsteak. Copra, the dried meat of the kernels, when crushed is the source of coconut oil. The husks, known as coir, is a short, coarse, elastic fibers used to make an excellent thatch roofing material for houses. This very diverse plant is also an excellent charcoal, which is produced from the shells, not only does it work as a cooking fuel, but also in the production of gas masks and air filters.

The outer part of the trunk of the coconut palm furnishes, a construction lumber, known as porcupine wood for houses and furniture. The swollen base of the trunk, when hollowed, can be turned into a hula drum that the Hawaiians use for entertainment. These are just a few examples of how extraordinary the coconut palm can be utilized.

Here is my daughter having a fresh, young coconut at our beach today,.... Yummo!

The coconut was first mentioned in 545 AD by an Egyptian Monk named Cosmos Indicopleustes. He visited western India and Ceylon. In his "Topographia Christiana", Cosmos describes the coconut as the "great nut of India." The Mahavasma, an ancient chronological history of Ceylon, describes the planting of coconuts in that country in 589 AD.

In 1280 Marco Polo, described coconut growing in Sumatra, as well as in Madras and Malabar in India, calling it nux indica, the Indian nut. The first detailed description of the coconut palm in western literature was provided by the Italian explorer Lodovico, di Varthema in his "Itinerario" of 1510, in which he referred to it astenga.

The coconut palm was unquestionable spread by Austronesians through the Pacific, perhaps eventually to the Pacific coast of Central America, and westward to India and East Africa. In Western Melanesian charred fruits were sited back to 3000 BC. The coconut was an important tropical economic with its enormous range of uses.

Palmae, the palm family to which the coconut belongs to, is one of the oldest and most diverse of the plant families. Palms have many botanical characteristics such as woody trunk, in many species, perennial growth, leaves which are folded like a fan and the production of a single seed leaf which, along with grasses, lilies and other families classifies them as monocotyledons. There have been sixty other species under the genus Cocos, but the coconut palm stands by itself and is monotypic - meaning that within the genus Cocos only one species, nucifera, is recognized. Consequently, every coconut palm in the world is taxonomically the same species, which probably makes it most abundant single food tree in existence.

There have been many other palms that have been classified very closely to the coconut, which have confused it with other plethora of scientific and popular names. One example, the double coconut, also known as the Maldive nut, Lodoicea maldivia. This very large nut looks like two coconuts joined together, side by side, but it is not related to the coconut. It belongs to the Borassoid group of palms.

Two major classes of coconuts are typically recognized on the basis of stature: tall and dwarf. The ones most commonly planted for commercial purposes are the tall varieties, which are slow to mature and first flower six to ten years after planting. They produce medium-to-large size nuts and have a life span of sixty to seventy years. The dwarf varieties may have originated as a mutation of tall types. The dwarf variety may grow to a height of twenty-five to thirty feet and begin flower after three years, being only about three feet tall. Their life span is only about thirty years. Although highly difficult to grow, the dwarf varieties are valued because they bear early and are resistant to lethal yellowing disease.

There are a considerable number of varieties of coconut including tall and dwarf that have resulted in worldwide distribution. Each major coconut has its own dominant tall variety: Here is a listing: Ceylon Tall, Indian Tall, Jamaica Tall, Malayan Tall, Java Tall, and Laguna (which is a widely grown tall type in the Philippines). There are also many dwarf varieties: Malayan Dwarf, Dwarf Green, and Dwarf Orange from India.

There are also some unusual types of coconut palms in different parts of the world. The Macapuno coconut of the Philippines is famous for having no milk cavity. The jelly-like flesh fills the middle and can be eaten with a spoon. The San Ramon variety from the Philippines produces one of the largest nuts known.

Distribution of the coconut palm extends over most of the tropical islands and coasts and on some places outside the tropic zone. In India, the palm is found as far North as Lacknow ( at 26 degrees N), however it does not commonly fruit there. In Africa the northern limits are on the west coast, Cape Verde (15 degrees N); and on the east coast Djibouti (11.50 degrees N), 24 degrees N isolated palms have been discovered on the Red Sea. Mossamedes, or the south end of Africa and Zambezi River (19 degrees S) on the east.

In South America as low as 27 degrees S the palm grows in North America at 25 degrees N in Florida and the Bahamas. The plantations furthest from the equator are probably those in Florida.

Within producing countries, it is noted that the wide and varied utilization of the coconut will always be important in the economic aspect. Raw Copra used to be the major export but as coconut oil is becoming more widely used its export is increasing. Another change is the export of coconuts in the shell to the exporting of desiccated coconut. Both of these changes have benefited the countries of origin by creating more employment in the tropics.

The coconut has been a growing success since the time it was first discovered and to this day this very diverse plant is still showing great potential.

More at information on healthy Raw Food at

Samstag, 2. Januar 2010

What does real health mean to you?

Here comes the most important question ever asked: What does health mean to you??
Think about this one for a moment, because the answer might have a big effect on what you experience as your reality.
This answer means the world to you. It clearly defines how you feel about your life and how you feel within your body.

What does health reallly mean to you?
Is it the absence of illness? Is it to be free of pain?

Health has different aspects and facetes, and being free from pain and disease is just a small glimpse of the whole picture. In order to experience true health on all dimensions, you also have healthy relationships to other people filled with love, you have a profession you really love and feel excited about and you have all the money you need, and more.

For me health means, that I feel completly nourished and energised on all levels, in allignement with my higher self, safe and happy being me.
This is the image and feeling I have. This is what I experience.

I believe that we are meant to be. to experience this health level. This is normal. And this health is not given or granted to us by random, by god or someone else.
It does not happen. You can create this health!

It is totally in your hands to create this health level! Can you handle this responsibility?
Do you see the chance that comes along with this?

It is all possible, you have only to make a choice. A good choice. And if you make the wrong choice today, don't worry, this is nothing you should blame yourself for.
You can wake up tomorrow and start all over again. Start again to make the righjt choice, to live the right choice. You can do it!
If you want, I can support you, just contact me!

You can also watch a video, which is related to this topic, on how you can manifets health called. Access it at