Sonntag, 31. Mai 2009

feeling good!

When you would like to summarize what it is all about than I would put it like this:
Feel good!

When you are feeling good, and vibrate in this kind of energy, you will attract even more things, persons and situation that will help you to feel even better. And this can go on and on, spiralizing in higher and higher levels.

So give no attention to negative feelings coming up, and concentrate on the good stuff. It is abundend and never ending, if you choose to see it and feel it.
This will help you to overcome all the obstacles that are in your way, and make your dreams come true. Focus on the things which really makes you happy, and helps you to vibrate more and more.

Than there is no limit to what you can achieve! And all of that will feel light and joyful!

You can make it!


Samstag, 30. Mai 2009

Why the law of attraction does sometimes NOT work,...

Well, actually it works all the time, the problem can only be, that we do not attract what we conciously want.

The universe always manifests what we feed with attention and energy. If your wish is to become rich and have a lot of unexpected income, but you experience dept all the time, you should look deeply how you are trying to maifest.

The most intense creational power comes from your feelings. If you feel strong and passionate about something, you put a lot of attention on the manifestation of getting more of this feeling.

So make sure to think about what you want!
You want money and not "no dept"

You want health and not "not fat anymore"

This is really important ! Focus on the things you want and sink so deep in that feeling, as if it is already yours. Feel gratitude and replace all negative thoughts with positive images!

If you do it that way, The universal law of attraction will work FOR you not against you!

Freitag, 29. Mai 2009

Doing the right thing

Everybody knows it. Everyboday feels it, but only few do it. The right thing.

You know smoking causes cancer, eating fast food does make you feel bad and watching too much television costs energy and lifetime.

Why do we cultivate habits, that are bad for us, and we even know it!
Sometimes it can be exactly this feeling of guilt and destruction we are lookig for. When we are not centered, and experience negative feeling, we get destructive.

And than it seems easy to circle around in these negative feelings and actions, that causes even more of it!

This is the best point of time to take a break!

Make a concious break and take a few deeeep breaths. Inhale positive, fresh energy and exhale all the negative things you do not longer need. Look for a positive image in your head. Take whatever comes up and feels jst good. Put attention on this positive image and relax.

It is just about taking a break and switching our vibration, our energy. It is in our hands what vibration we are in!

Let`s be a good one as often as possible!

Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2009

Free Life and health coaching programm

The Free life coaching programm is avaiable and you can subscribe and get all the lessons for free!
This powerful programm is designed for people who want to improve their life, and are willing to accept change.
You are good the way you are, and you can still get better!

Check it out at